Get involved

Life Link of Sheridan County is a primarily volunteer organization that provides residents access to a personal emergency response service. Life Link is a nonprofit organization that maintains its budget through donations from community organizations and individuals in tandem with a nominal monthly service fee. Our board manages the non-profit and volunteers their time to ensure personal emergency response services are always available to the residents of Sheridan County.

Please contact us with any questions, with partnership opportunities or to make a donation today!

Maintaining independence for
Sheridan County since 1988

Life Link of Sheridan County is pleased to provide members of our senior community with America’s most trusted alert service. For more than 30 years, Lifeline has enabled seniors in Sheridan County, with greater independence, peace of mind and dignity in the place they feel most comfortable – their own homes.

Because the Lifeline service also helps family caregivers to balance the needs of their loved ones with the demands of their own busy lives, Lifeline greatly benefits them as well. If you have any questions, would like to talk about your particular needs, or are ready to begin service, please give us a call at 307.752.3552